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Veganism is not a diet.

"It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal." - Joaquin Phoenix

My food is grown, not born.

“A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses.” - George Bernard Shaw

“Violence begins with the fork.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“All sentient beings should have at least one right: the right not to be treated as property”
- GaryLFrancione

The future is plant based.

Love all animals.

Nothing tastes as good as being vegan feels.

I wake people up. I am vegan.

No violence... No victims...

Animals are not food.

Veganism is not a trend, it's an awakening.

My body is a garden, not a graveyard.

"Don't talk of love and peace when you have a dead animal on your plate." - Plato

My only regret about going vegan is not doing it sooner.

Vegan, because the strong always protect the weak.

Vegan, because I have no rights over anyone else's body.

Eat nothing with a face.

Wish you were vegan.

Veganism is a moral issue.

"You can't do anything violent humanely." - James Wildman

I love you for being kind to animals.

We are all animals.

Wear your own fur.

You are not lactose intolerant. You are just not a baby cow.

Vegan and proud...


Tofu never screams.

Don't ask me why I'm vegan. Ask yourself why you are not.

Don't eat my friends.

Eat more plants.

Eat without violence.

Vegan is the new black.

Where do you get your protein?

© 2018 Haydar Sinanç

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